11 Mar Das Boot
What’s that boot-shaped thing?
It’s the outline of Minnesota – the new home of Lucky Creative as of one week from today. As you may already know, the family and I are making our way to Chaska, Minnesota. Located in the southwest corner of the Minneapolis ‘burbs, Chaska is “the best small town in Minnesota.” We hope that it can live up to such a billing.
Lucky Creative will not be undergoing any changes outside of the different location. I will continue to offer the same services as always but with a new billing address. If you would like to update your contact information for me, this will be the new addy:
Lucky Creative
112006 Warner Circle
Chaska, MN, 55318
Thanks for your support, as always. I’m looking forward to our next project together!
– Clint, Molly, Malone, Everett & LeBron