About Lucky | Lucky Creative
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About Lucky

Brand building is my emphasis.

What does that mean for you? That entirely depends on what your business needs. A plug-and-play marketing consultant, a website developer, a corporate identity designer… I’m your Swiss Army Knife. It’s my job to take your communications to the next level.


As a freelancer, I work with other agencies and business owners to build unified communications that speak directly to their consumers. It is truly rewarding to refine a scattershot marketing approach into a laser-focused communication plan that truly reflects the business itself.


Now is the time. Let’s build your vision into your brand.

Website Design

From boutique to gangbusters, I’ve designed and developed a wide variety of websites. I primarily work in WordPress because it is easy for clients to use and develop on their own.


The whole package. Some might say they need a logo design but they’re really looking for an identity. It’s my job to know that so don’t worry if you don’t. I’ve got your back.

Marketing & Advertising

The bits and pieces that connect you to your customer. I’d say that an important part of your business success. Maybe you should hire me for help instead of setting this one on the intern’s desk?


More than just a pretty face, the websites I develop are based in facts. If you’re not making the most of analytics you’re missing out on a sweet deal. Fact: Facts are great for decision making.

Graphic Design

The basis for everything I do, graphic design is the bread and butter on which everything I create is started. Print, web, you name it – I’ve got a handle on it.

Social Media

Your voice extends beyond your formal marketing and communications. Make your social media channels work as an extension of your brand.

Why Lucky Creative?

I am lucky as all get out and i know it. The best part of it, other than beating the odds? Spreading the good fortune. Each year Lucky Creative donates creative services to nonprofits in exchange for good karma. Some might call that ‘making your own luck.’

We rise by lifting others. It has long been a dream of mine to use my talents for the greater good. As I began this portion of Lucky Creative I realized that being true to myself – even when others gasped, “You’re giving away free work?” – would benefit me in ways I couldn’t imagine. Aside from giving to gracious businesses who are already giving so much, and aside from making incredible connections with some really good people, I get to feel that flutter in your soul when you say, “you’re welcome”, and damn, does that feel good.

Believe it or not, that is my family and not a stock photo. We're real.

Enough about me. See some projects in action >>